Our performances are vibrant and entertaining and transport members of the audience to another place. Add the feel and sound of Italy to your next event with a smashing performance by this Italian folk dancing group!

Join Our Group
If you love dancing, and more importantly, if you love the Italian culture, we welcome you. We practice at the Italian Community Center of Milwaukee - Tuesday Evenings from 7:15 - 8:30 pm. Feel free to contact us.

Learn Italian Folk Dancing
Perhaps you are hosting a culture night at your school, or celebrating ethnic culture during the school day. Perhaps you would like our dance director to teach the Tarantella to the guests at your wedding or event. Your guests will have a wonderful time, while learning something new. We love to share la cultura italiana with others.
Since 1993
Tradizione Vivente
(the Living Tradition)
This Italian folk dance group has been in existence for over 70 years. The original members of the group have since departed, only to leave behind a treasured legacy – Italian folk dancing. The members of Tradizione Vivente preserve the Italian heritage through what they love most – the music, dancing and costumes of Italia.